Sunday, April 19, 2009

Artist impression

Very nice all these pictures with pipes and boxing but how is it suppose to look like at the end. Roughly like this. This is view from the north east - the side that gets the early morning sun. The house is designed for passive solar heating and receives all day sun.
The house is designed for comfort and not necessary luxury . However, what "comfort" is for one is "luxury" for somebody else.
Anyway, it is a 3 bedroom house with an additional loft area with an office space and a play or TV room. All services are centrally located with the bathroom, laundry, toilet and kitchen close together. The living has an open kitchen and partly a cathedral ceiling. Not sure yet that is going to work out with the heat circulation to the loft spaces. The design incorporates a big carport on the south side and a patio on the north side. The patio is designed to create a sheltered place about 90% of the time. The total footprint is 211 m2 (with strawbale walls) and approximately 180m2 effective floor space. The loft area is about 40 m2.

The house was designed by Evan Crawford from Sustainable Structures (Opotiki) and the builder is Dale Finlay from Featherson.


  1. congratulations and good luck with your efforts.
    I think that your proposed building is quite impressive. It appears to be comfortable and while uncomplicated, attractive in its simplicity.
    Look forward to following your progress.
    We begin our own building(s) this year, will be utilizing rubber tires,strawbale and some cordwood.Viewing your plans is inspiring,
    Bryan B

  2. Hi Bryan

    Success with building your house. We have never seen a house built with cordwood. What kind of wood do you use?

